All YOGA provides Mindfulness
Our classes are great to help you tune into you and away from the outside influences, distractions and disturbances.
YOGA: union, is a connection of MIND, BODY and BREATHS, so if you can stay attentive to the moment, be in each moment and stay present in time that = MINDFULNESS it leads us to a happier, content and more fulfilled moment by moment life!
Studies have found that regular yoga practice improves coordination, reaction time, memory, and even IQ scores. People who practice yoga demonstrate the ability to solve problems and acquire and recall information better—probably because they’re less distracted by their thoughts, which can play over and over like an endless tape loop.
An important component of yoga is focusing on the present.
Whether it’s a slower class, meditation or flow class, mindfulness is achieved and what happens on the mat happens in everyday life. Could you start a moment practice in your everyday, whether that’s getting up and sitting for a few minutes each morning before getting into your day or at the end of the day as a moment to let go of all that was today, or a moment in the middle of the day to re-centre and bring yourself into this moment right in the here and now!
Practice shows us where we can find more practice and more and more to keep us moving in the direction we want to go… little by little and remembering to enjoy the journey of learning and letting go and learning to ‘Be’ again in this moment as it’s really all there is. ????

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