Are we TUNED In?
- In the flow
- Connection
- Awareness
- Awakened
All the terms we hear about: how we should be, what makes it work, how it would make life better to…
- De-stress
- Release physical tensions
- Lower BP
- Reduce inflammation
- Heart health
- Happier lives
- More energy
It’s like being tuned on a radio station: You hear what you are attuned to?
Simply, if you’re attuned to the chaos, noise and extraneous stuff, then you’ll hear and feel that, if you’re tuned to the space and quiet then you’ll get to enjoy that!

Yoga is life changing – for some we come to the mats for:
- Releasing tensions and stretching the muscles out,
- Releasing the tightness and connective tissues
- Pain relief from a particular part of the body
- De-stress the mind
- Get into the body
- It just feels good
- I feel good afterwards
- Feel alive
- Quietening and calming
- Time for me
- Build strength
- Healing
- Relaxation
- Mindfulness
- Connection
- Awareness
YOGA is life-force, it’s the pulsing energy of who we are, it’s the connection to bring us into who we are, it’s awakening, it’s peeling away the layers of tensions and forgetfulness in whatever way that means to you and helps us to become who we are!
Living, learning and loving all that we are…
It doesn’t persecute, it’s opening, it’s enlivening and it’s connection to self and other, alive in harmony and peace without dogma and persecution.
- Come to sit in a comfortable place
- Listen and surrender as one
- Listen to what is around you and notice the sounds come and go
- Then take your awareness further afield and listen for the sounds more distant and further away,
- Notice the sounds are quieter and come and go
- Try not to attach – No pushing or pulling at the sounds – let them be!
- THEN: Listen for the silence between the sounds and stay connected with the silence
- Then notice all the sounds exist within the spaceousness
- Bring your attention to yourself and notice you are silent and notice the silence and spaciousness of who you are.
Breathe, Believe and Be…
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