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Commitment YOU/ME/ONENo one is holding our hands in the commitment we give to ourselves. How often or how hard to push. Knowing when it is time to rest and time to surrender to the moment. Only we can do and know what it is that keeps us moving in the direction...

Practice makes…

Practice makes… MatsAre you rolling out your mats this week and stepping onto them – whether it be a restorative, gentle or more active flow. Find what works for you. Move out of Fight and Flight and find the space and time for your YOGA practice and...


YOGA Yoga ‘Yoga: means Union where all states of being in which apparent opposites and distractions are reconciled experientially in a state of union. Not only the union of the parts with each other , but also with the whole. To live without fragmentation, or...


INVESTMENT INVESTMENT Your investment in yourself is what counts. Is it in the short term or the long term? Sometimes we have time to invest in ourselves and honour ourselves for longer periods of time and move well, breathe well, think positively or easily accept...


FAITH Faith In whom do you have your have faith? In one self, or in another, or in another purpose? Do we trust to have faith – to believe to focus on something with all our might to succeed … or to maybe fail is a better lesson to learn!   What is it...

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