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Compassion & Kindness

Compassion & KindnessJul 2, 2019 Sometimes we forget that we are all one and the same… I wanted to share with you this compassion meditation as we can get so caught up in our own worlds and head that we forget that we are all people communicating with other...

Yoga for at risk youth

Yoga for at risk youthJun 28, 2019 Last Friday we ran a special donation class to support The Yoga Foundation: YOGA for at RISK YOUTH project. We held a restorative class with YOGA NIDRA, followed by Chai and a chat to finish off the evening. The Yoga Foundation is a...

All YOGA provides Mindfulness

All YOGA provides MindfulnessJun 24, 2019 Our classes are great to help you tune into you and away from the outside influences, distractions and disturbances.YOGA: union, is a connection of MIND, BODY and BREATHS, so if you can stay attentive to the moment, be in each...


Surrender Life and Death and Re-birth to a new day and a new you…Start again, as simply as a new day, new choices and new ways of thinking, can we move away from old patterns that may no longer serve us and move into a new and improved way of breathing,...


ConnectionJun 9, 2019 Yoga and the mind-body connection: The body, mind and breath are in a constant state of connection. The Asana (poses) and the physical body are interrelated and connected to the mind function of the body. The body mind and breath are all...

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