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Up Up ‘n Away We Go | Upper Body Stabilise and Mobilise

Up Up ‘n Away We Go | Upper Body Stabilise and Mobilise Moving without Distraction Focus, dedication, continuation, on-going, we go up up and into it all, or set and direct, or focus and flow, or one step at a time, or find your groove. And that comes from...

Inspiration | Surrender to the NOW

Inspiration | Surrender to the NOW Surrender to the present moment “ACCEPT – THEN ACTWhatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” – Eckhart Tolle Sheri, who some of you may know...

Making Good Use of my TIME

Making Good Use of my TIME SOME Story-time… “I wasn’t Despairing, I was Preparing” – Nelson Mandela I remember the words of Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for 27 years.Interviewer: Weren’t you despairing during all those difficult...

R u OK? | A Life in Balance

R u OK? | A Life in Balance A life in BalanceA balanced life means we take the time for the things we like to do along with the things we have to do! Assessing the “have to’s” with the “want to’s”! Can we take the time to balance...

How do you POSE? Posture?

How do you POSE? Posture? Good Posture One of the many benefits of YOGA is posture, postural awareness and alignments. It is said we are only as young as our spine, and that is contributed to the strength and flexibility that it affords us to move through life...

Lunges – Stabilise from the pelvis and legs…

Lunges – Stabilise from the pelvis and legs…Dec 18, 2020 Alignments From the foot to the hip on the front lunging leg are you aligned? Do not let the lunging knee collapse inward Do not let the lunging knee travel wide of the knee Back hip can be in...

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