EnergiseMar 21, 2021 Breath of Joy This breath work practice is active with the arms activated, the body folding into a forward bend and opening the mouth to exhale creating more energy and motion to move the breaths through and out of the body.This practice is said...
Un-restricted BreathingFeb 7, 2021 Diaphragmatic Breathing We’ve just finished the first weekend of the YOGA Teacher Training and after looking at the Respiratory System it’s a HUGE reminder of how IMPORTANT our breathing is. Our breathing affects every...
Staying Cool…Jan 24, 2021 Sitali Breathwork Cooling for the mind and body It affects important brain centres associated with biological drives and temperature regulation Cools and reduces mental and emotional excitation Reduce agitation and anger Mental...
Brahmari BreathsNov 15, 2020 Relieves STRESS and help Alleviate ANGER, ANXIETY & INSOMNIA The sound of a bee bumbling in your throat, has the ability to draw your focus inward and builds your connection inward, especially in these busy days and lives we lead where...
Spring CleanOct 19, 2020 Spring Equinox: Tuesday September 22 The Sun is both the source of light and life on Earth, and the Equinox and Solstice are the turning points in the solar cycle of the seasons.Equinoxes happen every year on approximately March 20th and...
Our Breath and Ujjayi BreathingAug 31, 2020 Our Breath… All breathing is our backdrop to life! We are usually totally unaware of it, but without it we simply wouldn’t be here! Our quality of breath is directly related to our: moods, emotions and energy...
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