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Change it UP

Mar 11, 2019

Adjust yourself in body and mind…

We get into routines and not always do they make us happy,
We get comfortable in our routines and don’t move forward,
We get stuck in a rut as we didn’t make any changes that were necessary for us to move us forward.


Every time we come to the mat, we tune in and we notice.
In every posture we have change
In every moment there is change
But what if we took another step and instigated a change to the norm, to the way we’ve always done it or held it?

In Asana, we can sit back in our pose and think to ourselves yes I know this, this is easy, I know this pose, BUT what if we change it just slightly?

What if?

So I am saying, the next time you’re holding in a pose – change it! I often or almost always verbalise an alignment in poses, but what if the next time you’re in a pose, you make a subtle change to it/in it/to you?

…and then simply notice that you’ve moved out of your normal and see how it feels to make a change!

Maybe the change will come more easily if you try it a few times and see how it feels to make the change!

Check in, see what arises and maybe you want to go back to the other way, or just maybe it opens up another dynamic for you.

As the year moves forward there is change in the seasons, are you noticing the cooler mornings and the days are getting shorter. So for those early morning starters, remember we’re there with you on the mat and we always feel better once we’ve got up and done it!

Don’t hit the snooze, YOGA will give you more and get you through your days, in all seasons.

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