Heart Connection
Giving & Receiving of ENERGY
At this time of year it’s great to try and stay in our heart and be centered. Our heart energy is all around us, not just from our front but is an energy that is in every cell of our being! There is lots of energy around and we forget that as some may be getting ready to celebrate, others may not have so much to celebrate.
Giving and receiving is an exchange of energy. Here is a tip from the Chopra centre:
The Law of Giving & Receiving – The Chopra Center
The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And in our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.
I will put the Law of Giving and Receiving into effect by making a commitment to take the following steps:
- Wherever I go, and whomever I encounter, I will bring them a gift. The gift may be a compliment, a flower, or a prayer. Today, I will give something to everyone I come into contact with, and so I will begin the process of circulating joy, wealth, and affluence in my life and in the lives of others.
- Today I will gratefully receive all the gifts that life has to offer me. I will receive the gifts of nature: sunlight, the sound of birds singing, spring showers, or the first snow of winter. I will also be open to receiving from others, whether it be in the form of a material gift, money, a compliment, or a prayer.
I will make a commitment to keep wealth circulating in my life by giving and receiving life’s most precious gifts: the gifts of caring, affection, appreciation, and love. Each time I meet someone, I will silently wish them happiness, joy, and laughter.
Compassion Meditation: I love this meditation. It reminds us to treat each and every one of us as the same and question why are we selective when we give out kindness and compasstion? Food for thought!!!
Bring your awareness to the breath and flow with the natural rhythm of the breaths. Take your time with this and allow yourself the freedom to experience the breaths fully, then deepen the breaths if comfortable to do so.
When ready…
Bring your attention to your heart area (centre chest for anahata chakra) and think of someone you truly love; husband/wife/partner/child, family member, friend, whoever it is, someone dear to your heart. Notice the feelings that arise as you bring this person into your attention. Send energy of loving kindness to their heart, see them accepting your intentions and then come back to your own heart and breathe.
Bring your attention to your heart, and think of someone not so close to you, someone who makes your coffee/lunch daily, a work colleague, someone you see in your daily routine/travels, serves you in the supermarket. Notice the feelings that arise as you bring this person into your attention. Send energy of loving kindness to their heart, see them accepting your intentions and then come back to your own heart and breathe.
Bring your attention to your heart, and think of someone who perhaps you’ve been arguing with, have argued with, someone who you may have difficulty in understanding, someone who seems to always get/or has got under your skin, someone who challenges you. Notice the feelings that arise as you bring this person into your attention. Send energy of loving kindness to their heart, see them accepting your intentions and then come back to your own heart and breathe. This could be someone from a previous time.
- Are you the same person, in all these relationships?
- Did you change who you were in these different instances?
- If so, why are you selective in your feelings?
Repeat to yourself about each person:
- Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness in his/her life!
- Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life!
- Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.
- Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfil his/her needs.
- Just like me, this person is learning about life.
Take time to sit into the energy you generate about each person. Reflect and be honest and present in how you feel.
May all beings be free of pain and suffering, may all beings be filled with love, peace and harmony, including yourselves.
Namaste Lou and the team here at In Motion Lifestyle Centre
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