Not all inversions need to be difficult and fancy and feel like we can’t do them to receive the benefits of them!
Down dog is an inversion, this standing forward bend in an inversion, legs up the wall is an inversion, shoulder stand, handstand, pincha mayurasana, headstand are all inversions and all have amazing benefits.
We can do 1/2 inversions with our body and we still gain the benefit from the organs being turned upside down, energy being turned upside down, seeing life from a different angle, the reverse action of gravity on the body pulls the energy to the head in inversions rather than the feet when in our everyday standing pattern.
- Inversions encourage a rich supply of blood to the brain
- nourishes the neurones and flushes out toxins
- Blood and lymph accumulated in the lower limbs and abdomen are drained back to the heart then circulated to the lungs purified and re-circulated to all parts of the body
- This process nourishes the cells of the whole human organism
- Enriched blood flow allows the pituitary gland to operate more efficiently, tuning the entire endocrine system
- positive effect on the metabolic processes and on thinking
- Breaths can be slow and deep, maximising the the exchange of CO2 and O and generally encouraging correct respiration
The abdominal organs: liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, pancreas receive a powerful massage, helping them to perform their functions more efficiently. - Improve the quality of meditation and concentration, refining the consciousness and exploring levels of the mind
Source: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha – Swami Satyananda Sarawati
So the next time you have your body in any upside down position, there are amazing benefits occurring inside of you.
- High BP
- Back conditions
- Slipped disc
- Shoulder and neck issues – when weight bearing on them
- Impure blood illnesses
- Menstruation – at beginning of the cycle women should not invert the body

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