A yoga class described as ‘Hatha’ will typically involve a set of physical postures and breath techniques, practised more slowly and with more static posture holds than a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class.
Hatha Yoga - Balance the Ha and Tha, the heat and cool energies | 70mins | July 6
Hatha Yoga Class - Balance your Energy - Invest IN Yourself | 75mins | June 29
Hatha Yoga Class | 60mins | June 22
Hatha Yoga - What's your Outlook? | 75mins | June 15
Hatha Yoga CLass | 70mins | May 18
Hatha Yoga - Balance the "Ha" & "Tha" throughout | 60mins | April 27
Hatha Downward Facing Dog | 70mins | MArch 23
Hatha Yoga Class | 60mins | March 16
Hatha Yoga class - Change your Posture your Pose | 75mins | March 2
Hatha YOGA Class | Hips, legs, upper body, breath work | 75mins
Hatha YOGA | Aligning through Sushumna Channel through stillness and poses | 75mins | Jan 19
Hatha Yoga Class | Ajna Chakra - third eye, breath work and balances | 60mins | Jan 12
Hatha Yoga Class | Vishuddhi Chakra focus - neck shoulders and breathwork | 75mins | Jan 5th
Hatha YOGA |Anahata Chakra - open the heart energy | 70mins | Dec 22
Hatha Yoga | Manipura Chakra - stretches and core | 40mins | Dec 15