Our Breath and Ujjayi Breathing
Our Breath…
All breathing is our backdrop to life! We are usually totally unaware of it, but without it we simply wouldn’t be here!
Our quality of breath is directly related to our:
- moods,
- emotions and
- energy levels
so any techniques we can use to help draw us to ourselves in health and well-being is vital.

Ujjayi Breaths
The sound this breath creates is one of a Darth Vader or the sound of the ocean in the sea-shell. The aim is to bring our attention inwards and is known as the psychic breath or breath of victory.
It can have a heating effect on the body and is used to soothe the nervous system and calm the mind. It can be said to slow the heart rate and can help alleviate insomnia, a calming effect on the psyche level.
- Come to a comfortable seated posture or you can be laying down.
- Rest into the body and connect to the breaths in their natural flow
- You can begin with the exhales and as you breathe out open your mouth and create a sighing sound
- In a few more attempts close your mouth 1/2 way through the sigh and see if you can let the sound drop from your mouth into your throat
- It’s as if the throat is restricted and you are breathing through the throat rather than the nose.
- The breaths slow and the glottis slightly constricts the throat producing the resonated sound
- After a while both inhale and exhale should be easily able to create the sound
- We don’t want the sound to be forced and strong, but gentle and hearing it through our inner self and maybe someone near could hear it, but not a forced breath.
- The breaths should be able to become slow, long and controlled easily
If you have a sore /dry throat then it is recommended to return to natural breaths.
Perhaps deeply introverted people will be drawn more inward.
For those familiar with Ujjayi, fold the tongue back into Khechari Mudra – tip of tongue to top of mouth or roll it all the way back so more of the underside of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, do not strain though. If there is any discomfort please release it to natural and any distaste then also release to natural.
Source: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha – Swami Satyananda Saraswati
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