Padma Mudra
Padma (Lotus) Mudra
- Is associated with the heart: Anahata Chakra
- Is a symbol of purity
- Is said to:
- Settle the mind
- Increase concentration
- Help with meditation
- Ignite spiritual devotion
- Help alleviate depressive and lonely feelings
Source: Yoga Teacher Central
How to:
- Take hands in front of the heart centre
- Join heels of palms; spread fingers out and up, keeping them straight
- Create space between palms
- Little fingers and thumbs may touch or stay slightly apart
- Be comfortable in a seated position
- Soften chest and belly
- Breathe slowly and smoothly
- Softly gaze into center of lotus flower made with hands.
- “Discard all contrivance and release all ambitions that are not in harmony with your ‘heart of hearts.’ Do this with honesty within yourself. Resolve to make your life an offering for the benefit of all beings. Stay with this feeling…” (Cain and Revital Carroll)
- Breath work option:
- Inhale: Maintain mudra for 4 breaths,
- Exhale: Close fingers together into a lotus bud for 4 breaths
- Repeat
- or Open and Close with breaths to a count of 4.
Source: Yoga Teacher Central
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