What happens when the rug gets pulled out from under our feet?
When we’re standing on a spongy mat? Where is our base, our stability our platform?
Do we fall? Does our mat catch us?
Our foundations are any part of the body connected down on the mat/floor/base.
When we’re in our down dog for example, then it’s our hands and feet – are we evenly weighted, balanced on all parts of the body that are connected down.
In our everyday life, do we take time to stand in a balanced way, do we hang off our joints or do we stand tall and walk in a balanced way. When we sit, are we balanced?
For this next week in classes and at home, work, whatever our environment is, can we be aware of our foundations and balance them?
Try to be mindful when sitting and standing to be still and take a moment to do a mental scan through your body and feel is there balance, are there differences??
Then when we come to class for our poses and especially the balance poses can we centre and be mindful of the weight distribution and where we may have tightnesses that pull us away from centre, weaknesses that we collapse away from our centre.
- What helps us to Balance?
- Eye’s focused and still
- Connecting with the breaths
- Arms outstretched in standing poses will help us to balance
- Being Hydrated
- Being calm and centred, also helps
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