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When you can’t Go out; Go within…

May 3, 2020

Have we all adapted and been living life?

Initially there was trepidation, but in the end we go with the flow and do what we need to do…

IN going with the flow, has it given us more time to turn within and listen and focus and learn.

When we can’t go out, we go in…

This time has brought up different circumstances for all of us, but a few reminders and yoga tips:


Slow and deep: slow exhales and balanced breaths calm the nervous system down
For energy: activate your inhalations
Notice the quality of your breath: if it’s short and uneven, practice to calm and slow the breaths making it steady from beginning to end
Kapalabhati: short sharp exhales, clear the nasal passages, pump’s the belly and is great to clear the frontal lobes of the brain to clear away mental fatigue and fogginess which is especially great for meditation.


Stay connected to the breaths to stay centred and calm
In walking/running: count how many steps per breath
If cool: move more quickly and shorten the breaths


Take a few moments each day to sit and be present
Stillness helps us to notice what is around us and what is happening within us. Helps us to see through the fog and find a clarity which comes from within, and changes our perception on what we think and believe we see!!.
When you sit: Notice any sensations in the body: stay with them until they disappear or change and notice this!
The breath is the link between the mind and the body so to help stay connected and mindful, stay with the breath.

Weight the body: If you are feeling anxious and cannot sleep, place a heavy blanket/hot water bottle on the body/chest to help calm the nervous system.


With the onset of cooler mornings and evenings, have warming foods to nurture the digestive system, the changes may include some warmer spices: ginger, chillies, pepper, cloves, cardamon, nutmeg, tumeric, warm teas/drinks and soups.

Live streaming continues…

We are continuing to live stream classes with zoom.us.

Please be in contact if you are wanting to join and haven’t been able to as yet, as I don’t know for how long this way will continue.

If you have your contracts still running with me and need to let me know your current circumstances also please be in contact so I can make changes where necessary.

For those who have been able to continue your practice with me, it is much appreciated.

In gratitude,

Lou ????

???? Look in to find your light …

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