Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali
YAMA refers to the 5 abstentions
Ahimsa – non violence to one self or others – in action word or deed
Satya – truth in word and thought
Asteya – non covetousness
Brahmacharya – abstinence
Aparigraha – non-possessiveness
NIYAMA refers to the 5 observances
Shaucha – cleanliness of body and mind
Santosha – satisfaction with what one has
Tapas – austerity and observances for discipline
Svadhyaya – study of the vedic scriptures to know/understand God
Ishvarapranidhana – the surrendering to God
ASANA – the discipline of the physical body to maintain strength and health and thereby aiding the next steps of the limbs. To keep the body from disease and preservation of the vitality – life force of the body.
PRANAYAMA – the control and development of the breath and prana. benefits for the body and mind
PRATYAHARA – withdrawal of the senses
the last 3 levels are known as internal aids to YOGA
DHARANA – concentration
DHYANA – steadfast meditation
SAMADHI – oneness
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