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Alignment of a pose…

Jul 28, 2020

Whilst we’re not Adjusting in Classes

Sutra 2.46 “Sthira sukham asanam” – is the pose steady, is the pose comfortable, are you breathing, is there an overall awareness in the pose?

Is there a balance of effort and ease in the pose?

…and in there/in you/in the shape of the pose is the feeling of balance and alignment.

Whilst we’re not adjusting in classes, we hope that you are mindful of your alignments. Whilst giving the verbal cues and teaching for the face to face and zoom classes the visual on the mat and how it feels in your own body in alignments remains important as you create the shape with your body and then the breaths are there to open and centre us into the pose.

Whether we’re holding the pose or moving through a flow the breaths in the posture open us, balance us and help to centre us into the pose.

Where is the feeling in the pose and breathe into that feeling.

There is also a visual cue alignment, so in keeping our visual or drishti point stable we maintain the mind in a state of calm and steadiness, receptiveness.

Alignments/ Adjusting

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