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Heart over Head

Feb 14, 2021

Never Give Up…

No matter what is going on
Never Give Up
Develop the Heart
Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart
Develop the Heart
Be Compassionate
Not just to your friends but to everyone
Be Compassionate
Work for peace in your Heart and in the World
Work for Peace
And I say it again
Never Give Up
No matter what is happening
No matter what is going on around you
Never Give Up.

His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama


Meditation: Infinity – Drop into your heart…

Infinity – 8 on it’s side.

  • Begin with some movement to release any physical tensions in your body and when ready come to a seated/upright meditation posture and bring your attention to a central focus point in the middle of your chest, your heart centre: known as Anahata Chakra.
  • Take a few moments to focus in this heart chakra area, situated in the middle of your chest, directly in front of the spine. Bring your attention to this space and let the breaths flow naturally.
  • When ready, let the breaths lengthen,
    • a rhythm you can maintain Inhale 4: Exhale 4 or
    • shorter/longer.
  • When ready to slide your awareness around an infinity symbol through your chest and ribcage area, start from the centre of the chest.
    • Inhale: slide your awareness forward from centre chest to Right side ribcage/chest around side ribs and slide back through to centre chest
    • Exhale: cross the path through centre chest and sweep your awareness to front Left ribs and around the left ribs and back through to the centre point of anahata chakra.
  • The movement you are making is that of an infinity/figure 8 symbol on it’s side.
  • Keep your awareness sliding in this pattern with the breaths and then when you feel ready to, rest in the heart centre PAUSE.
    • Make it a place for restoring balance,
    • Make it a resting point for your mind.
    • When you pause in the middle of the chest, feel there is a softening and a surrendering into this point.
    • Surrender and pause each time you come through the heart centre area.
  • Continue in this rhythm for as long as you feel you can, maintaining a flowing awareness around the symbol of infinity.
  • Take a few moments of stillness if you feel agitated in any way and start again when it feels right for you.
  • Deepen or shorten the breaths to where you are comfortable but maintain a balanced breath and rest into the heart area with gaps between the breaths if easy.
    ???? Breath Length: Remember to find your comfortable ratio. Moving into quietness, moving into rhythm.
    ???? When you finish: Sit into Anahata (heart chakra)and let yourself be.

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