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R.I.P James Walsh

May 30, 2021

For those who remember when we started out at Taren Point. James was my Business partner and opened the Posture Clinic side of the Studio, and was my partner with In Motion Lifestyle Centre and in life back then for a while too.

Sadly, he passed away today from his struggle with Cancer, and the enduring toll the illness took on his body, he had no more to give.

He will be greatly missed by his loving family – the BIG Walsh clan, most especially his children Kate and Nathan, their partners and 3 grand-children.

From the businesses he had in this area and working abroad in PT, CHEK, AOK Health, in Myofascial and Massage work and as a player for St George and school captain of Marist Brother’s his memory will live on.

Rest In Peace James ????

Alignments/ Adjusting

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