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Jan 13, 2021

Intentions/interest/focus/my “I AM” presence

  • What is your focus point?
  • What is your intention/vision/focus??

“Rod Stryker, founder of ParaYoga, explains that the chief architect of life is the mind. To create the life we are meant to live, we must draw the mind again and again to our dharma, our deepest intentions, and the qualities of the Divine within.

A sankalpa is a statement that does this for us. Stryker explains that

  • kalpa means vow, or “the rule to be followed above all other rules.”
  • San, he says, refers to a connection with the highest truth.

Sankalpa, then, is a vow and commitment we make to support our highest truth.
“By definition, a sankalpa should honour the deeper meaning of our life. A sankalpa speaks to the larger arc of our lives, our dharma—our overriding purpose for being here.”

The sankalpa becomes a statement you can call upon to remind you of your true nature and guide your choices.”


Source: YOGA Teacher Central

In yoga classes we have the experience of being on the mat, and if we do the same poses and play and explore our Mind/Body connection, then we feel, we know, we have understanding and that is one of the great gifts of yoga. To observe what comes up on the mat and understand it – it’s a HUGE growth as we experience our truths of who we are, and the learnings that come from this too…

  • trying to push through or over-achieve
  • giving up
  • frustrations
  • ego
  • fighting ourselves or surrendering
  • being in the flow

We come onto the mat, we breath, we do asana, we focus and we learn a lot about ourselves!
It’s one of the quest essences of YOGA!!!
Let go of our talk zone!!
Can we surrender into ourselves, turn in and if not, why????
Learn, as what happens on the mat, happens in how we respond to life, are we growing, learning and being…

A Sankalpa starts with the inner knowing that we are all who we are meant to be but just gives us a nudge along to maintain our Intentions and focus…

Set your radar, place yourself in your higher space and lift your energies to the …

If I ask you this week to set an intention/sankalpa before class: Please repeat it simply 3x to yourself and at the end of class again 3x to yourself and how do you feel before/after class and how does it feel to repeat the intention again to yourself once you’ve completed the class?

Notice, be present, be …simply be…

Some intentions for us may be to align our actions with our values and these following tips may assist:

  • Accept what is and surrender and let go
  • Accept myself
  • Honor and love my body
  • Stay aware of sensations in the body
  • Return to the present moment
  • Return to mindfulness of thoughts
  • Practice breathing fundamentals
  • Be mindful of my breath
  • Return to Gratitude
  • Practice Forgiveness
  • Return to Love
  • Find the Joy
  • Release thoughts and anything that does not serve me
  • Stay present during transitions
  • Safely explore outside my norms/comfort zones
  • Explore right effort/balance effort and ease
  • Change perspective about difficulties
  • Embrace Impermanence
  • Create space
  • Ground/Feel connection to the earth
  • Begin with my foundation
  • Move from the core
  • Honour the journey/this step/the process

These may be stepping stones to allow our energy to grow and expand…

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