Brahmari Breaths
Relieves STRESS and help Alleviate ANGER, ANXIETY & INSOMNIA
The sound of a bee bumbling in your throat, has the ability to draw your focus inward and builds your connection inward, especially in these busy days and lives we lead where so much of our experience is pulled outwardly – lights, sounds, people, traffic, nature.
Brahmari – is associated with balancing the throat chakra – our means of Communication and voicing our TRUTH.
“The throat / fifth chakra is associated with communication, feelings, intuition, spiritual insights, art, music and truth. A balanced fifth chakra is said to help one flow with life and to express beliefs, creativity and needs openly and clearly, with a voice that is resonant and rhythmic. When blocked or out of balance, impulses may be choked and ideas remain unrealized; the voice may be weak; there may be poor rhythm or excessive talking.” Source: Yoga Teacher Central
???? How to:
- Sit comfortably in a meditation pose: spine lifted, shoulders and neck relaxed.
- Take a few natural breaths.
- Place your hands up on the head:
- Thumbs seal off the ears,
- Index fingers at the side of the eyes
- Longest finger at side of nostrils
- Ring finger at side of lips
- Little finger under the chin
- Keeping mouth and lips gently closed, teeth are separated:
- Inhale through nostrils.
- As you exhale, make a deep buzzing sound in throat like a bee or the sound of the letter M (a humming sound).
- The humming sound is not forced or strained, let it be soft and mellow.
- Make it smooth and continuous for the full duration of the exhale.
- Keep your chin tucked towards the notch of throat.
- Listen to the sound ( as your ears are sealed you hear the sound within your head) and feel the vibration.
- Be aware:
- Of the feeling of vibration in the skull, nasal passages, throat, mouth, cheeks and lips.
- Or bring your awareness to the centre of the head: Ajna chakra – third eye
For a stronger pranayama practice:
- While exhaling, pull the upper abdomen in, keeping chest relatively still;
- While inhaling, allow lower ribs to flare slightly with diaphragm’s movement.
- Repeat: Inhale through nose, then hum like a buzzing bee with exhale.
- 5-10 rounds is adequate for beginners
- Then increase to 10-15mins
- Brahmari – should NOT be practiced whilst laying down
- People suffering from ear infections should not practice this pranayama.
Sources: Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and YOGA Teacher Central
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