Lest we Forget
Take this day and week as a reminder of how lucky we are to be alive, to have this life that we lead and in relatively safe terms. Shall we honour our lives and live to our best in honour of those who gave theirs for our freedoms.
How can I live my best life?
For each of us it is different pending what we see.
For me this year I’ve looked at my personal life and story and these 5 things are my number 1’s – yes my top 5 points of reference are honesty, integrity, compassion/passion, interest and understanding.
These are my value set and what has made me the person I am today are a reflection of these values. Without really realising it, when I look back at decisions I’ve made it’s based primarily on these values.
What are your values, that help you to make decisions in this life and lead a better life?
7 Days FREE
Make a yoga move onto your mat and notice how good it makes you feel from the inside.
Choose not to forget…
What it is we’re here for.
What our life is meant to be.
Why am I living?
Those around us that make us smile, contribute to our lives in little and BIG ways.
Ways we contribute to others.
How it is.
How could it change, if you wanted it to?
Thanks to all of you for our lovely community.
Blessings and Namaste Lou xo

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.
The Ode – Laurence Binyon

The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.
Oprah Winfrey

Louise Eddy
Yoga Teacher & Owner
Louise is passionate about her practice and her understanding of yoga. Her journey in life has led her to study and practice yoga for the past 20+yrs. In the past 5+ years she has also focussed on Mental health and well-being and has actively been involved teaching classes in community and special needs areas with this focus.
She gives thanks for the knowledge that has been passed along from the teachers and students before that have paved the way for the journey of yoga as it is in the west. She teaches from her heart with gratitude and love. Om Shanti.