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Patanjali’s YOGA Sutra’s

May 20, 2019

The 8 limbs of YOGA in the Sutra’s by Patanjali

Patanjali, is one of the great yoga sages and he has an 8 step guidance to YOGA.
This is a very simplified example, but may help to remind you of why you are doing YOGA and what it is and why some parts of it resonate with you more than others.

Each of us is on our journey to Samadhi or bliss.

  1. Yama’s = are ethical rules or morals
    • Ahimsa = non-violence
    • Satya = truthfulness
    • Asteya = non stealing
    • Brahmacharya = chastity or marital fidelity or sexual restraint
    • Aparigraha = non-possessiveness
  2. Niyama’s = habits, behaviours and observances
    • Sauca = purity, cleanliness of mind, body and speech
    • Santosa = contentment and acceptance of others
    • Tapas = persistence, perseverance and austerity
    • Svadhyaya = self-study, study, self reflection, introspection
    • Isvarapranidhana = contemplation of the supreme
  3. Asana = a posture that one can hold or be in, in steadiness, comfort and with ease
  4. Pranayama = the restraining, extending and stretching of the prana
  5. Pratyahara = can be described as the withdrawal of the senses, so we draw ones awareness within to seek from the innate inner being.
  6. Dharana = concentration and a one pointed or fixed mind.
  7. Dhyana = contemplation and reflection on the profound abstract meditation.
  8. Samadhi = is the oneness, the bliss, no separation and is totally absorbed.

This is a very quick and basic outline of the YOGA Sutra’s of Patanjali, but is an easy reminder of the connection of all that YOGA is and the benefits that we can draw from a quick read and reminder of all that is occurring in YOGA.

We are not only a physical body, we are much much more, and there is always more to explore…

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