Showing up….
What part of the self do you let be seen?
Being Vulnerable is a part of life and letting people see we care and that we are courageous to sit in the moment and shine our light can be difficult.
Some days it’s easy to get up and Get In Motion and our light is bright and shining and other days we’re on a low dim or we want a doona day and a chill out day, and that’s ok too.
Showing up and honouring the part that does come forth is beautiful and that in itself can be daunting some days.
For each of us it’s different on different days and in different ways but that’s where YOGA allows us to “Be”.
We hope that at In Motion you can come in and “be” whoever that is on any given day!
If you need a pick me up, try a different class and see if the style suits you for that moment in time.
Remember it’s easy once you’re there, the hard part is getting there!
…and what part of you does show up?
Is there a part of you that never comes up to the surface?
Is the armour on, that the outside world never sees the softness under that protective armour?
What area in your body do you always or more consistently feel and notice?
Are there areas in your body that you’re never really aware of?
In asana classes, are you starting to notice other areas of your body and is that because the mind and energy is being opened as we shift from the normal everyday life patterns to the more diverse movement patterns in a yoga class?
Is it ok to show up and be, not in perfection but in perfect imperfection?
Is it ok to be?
Is it safe to be?
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