At any time and on any day we can retreat from ourselves to find the known or deeper self – the atman the buddha or christ within – whatever it is you’d like to call it.
It’s so easy in everyday life to distract ourselves and get caught up in our lives with our daily connection of where we are going, what has to be done and what we do and who we are. But if we change our thoughts of how we perceive and be in the moment, then we can retreat from ourselves and be present in the moment.
Retreat into the moment and be.
Stay present in the moment: Not with worrying thoughts about the future or reminiscing the past, but retreat from all the usual mind “stuff” and change to be alert in the present moment and that might be as simple as walking and being present in the moment.
A client was away last week and I had the pleasure of walking along The Esplanade which I hadn’t done for the pleasure of it in a long long time. And being present in the moment, especially after being blocked up and not being able to breathe properly, I could smell the ocean and the dampness of the earth, I could hear nature – birds, the wind and the ocean, people and more, I could see the horizon, the light filtering through clouds – the changing landscape in front of me – people, animals etc, I could feel the air on my skin, the breeze, I could taste the salt air in my mouth. I felt alive to the moment and it was precious, I was alive to the perception of being me, I was in the present moment – I didn’t need to think about the future/past. I was able to retreat from the mind – I was perceiving through the senses. The surface reality of being.
7 Days FREE
Make a yoga move onto your mat and notice how good it makes you feel from the inside. Find a sense of being in the present moment, that deeper sense of being with yourself and be at one with you – retreat into yourself.
Breathing is easy – you can be exactly where you are and nobody needs to know! You can retreat into yourself at any point in time and let go of any thoughts, ruminations, dreams.
As easy as it is to breathe in and out – be completely present in the moment and it’s free. We don’t need to remove ourselves and pay money to retreat. So take some time this week and retreat into yourself with some easy breath work practices. Transcend into the now and let go of any burdens of self – retreat into you.
Turn your focus to the breaths: Notice the quantity and quality of them;
Are they balanced? Is a nostril blocked? Is there sinus aggravation at this time of the year?
Can you gently slow and deepen the breaths?
Where can you feel the breaths moving through your body?
Some practices to Consider:
- Alternate Nostril breaths
- Nadi Shodhana
- Deep belly breaths
- 3 part breaths
- Kapalabhati
- Sama Vritti – Psychic Square
- Brahmari
- Breath of Fatigue
- Notice the gaps between the breaths
- Create sound on your exhales – calms the nervous system
Please check the On-Demand library under Mental Awareness Month for some of these short practices.
This week…have a wonderful week.
Whilst I’m retreating with family, please take the time to retreat into your life and be in the moment where and when you can.
Please see the ON-Demand section on the www or through YouTube.
Please SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel too.
Thanks to all of you for our lovely community.
Blessings and Namaste Lou xo

Within you is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself.
Hermann Hesse

Hey Lou, I have been doing your On Demand vids, they are awesome. Hope to see you virtually or in person again soon. Thanks xx
Julia – April 2022

Louise Eddy
Yoga Teacher & Owner
Louise is passionate about her practice and her understanding of yoga. Her journey in life has led her to study and practice yoga for the past 20+yrs. In the past 5+ years she has also focussed on Mental health and well-being and has actively been involved teaching classes in community and special needs areas with this focus.
She gives thanks for the knowledge that has been passed along from the teachers and students before that have paved the way for the journey of yoga as it is in the west. She teaches from her heart with gratitude and love. Om Shanti.