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Tiger and Pussycat – we are both | Presence and Character

???? Chinese New Year – Feb 1, 2022

2022 is the Year of the Water Tiger, which indicates a prosperous year due to the Tiger’s auspicious signs (strength, exorcising evils and braveness). Water tiger’s have a strong sense of self-esteem and learning ability. – China Highlights

Or are you normally a pussycat, preferring to …

Whichever it is let’s hope we all have a fabulous 2022 and when we need the strength to carry on we have it, when we need to have some gentleness we can tap into that and we can tune in to our own character strengths and live this year in peace, harmony and fulfilment whatever that is for each of us to be on our paths and content.

???? Tennis

“Sports do not build character, they reveal it.” – Heywood Brown

In a state of absolute presence when playing on the court or in any field of sport, art, music. Being in the moment and in the presence of the moment to be totally connected is presence. Whether it’s when you’re watching the players and seeing the absolute conviction and connection to the moment – the awe in the display of their abilities and being able to control the ball – each player in the presence of the moment.

I remember seeing Federer play in Melbourne years ago and he had such skill and was magical to watch in real life – so much more than through the TV screen. Being in the presence of his tennis match with however many more in the stands and one could still connect with his utter presence on court in the moment!

Presence and Character

What strengths of character show up on the mat? Is there anger, annoyance, strength, frustration, tiredness, bliss, happiness, lightness, calmness, quietness, focussed energy. What gets unlocked for you when you step onto your mat? What carries through for your energy when you’re on the mat? Do you notice it change from beginning through different poses to the end of classes? Can we ride through the tough times and know it will change and do we adapt or try and force the energy? Can we notice how we respond on the mat?

Do you step onto the mat and stay in the presence of that moment? Practicing at home – is there more opportunity for distractions and is it more difficult to find your sense of peace in the moment? Home practice even within the group can be challenging – how are you responding to those moments in time? Can we maintain our presence? Is it still a learning curve for us? What is helping you to continue your practice and stay in the moment?

In the zone…

Sometimes it’s difficult to even get onto the mat – the challenge can be very real. Connection to the moment, to the breaths, to the immediate environment are all helping us stay in the zone.

It really is all practice to keep us going through and learning who we are and how we respond and react to the moment. What’s your zone? Sometimes we’re working around other people’s schedules too, but I hope you find some time this week to get into the YOGA zone and build on your strengths and character.

Blessings and Namaste Lou xo

Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. 

Cavett Robert

Many thanks for being a part of The YOGA Foundation team and for all your commitment, creatitivity, skill and humour.  It’s a pleasure to work with you.

The YOGA Foundation  – Dec 2021
Louise Eddy

Louise Eddy

Yoga Teacher & Owner

Louise is passionate about her practice and her understanding of yoga. Her journey in life has led her to study and practice yoga for the past 20+yrs. In the past 5+ years she has also focussed on Mental health and well-being and has actively been involved teaching classes in community and special needs areas with this focus.

She gives thanks for the knowledge that has been passed along from the teachers and students before that have paved the way for the journey of yoga as it is in the west. She teaches from her heart with gratitude and love. ​Om Shanti.

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